Missing you..

Sometimes I think i’m safely in your arms..
I think my world is completely whole..
Happy even.. 
That I might wake up to see your handsome face..
To feel your soft lips on mine..
Your calloused hands  softly caressing my body..
But then reality crashes down over me..
And i realize that the place where my heart used to reside is empty..
I realize you are nowhere to be found, no longer with me..
And I remember you are a million miles away from me..
And I start to miss you all over again..


Ohh Heart.. Why Him..


There is a million reasons why I should not love him..
Why I should not care..
Why I should not long, crave for him..
For his touch..For his kisses..
For his voice..For his love
Iv tried not feeling anything for him..
I have tried to convince myself to move on..
To forget about him..
Because he has probably forgotten about me now..
Probably moved on to the next girl..
But my heart and soul can’t help it..
He is permanently etched onto my heart..Onto my skin
I breathe through him..
I need him…

Swallow Me Whole…

I feel a darkness..
A darkness within..
Surrounding me..
Like dark poisonous vines curving around a dying tree..
Utter and ultimate misery..
Twirls around my slow beating heart..
Swallowing me whole..
Devouring my inner being..


My Warrior..

Built like a god..

Tall, dark and handsome..
As strong and as agile as a stallion..
Eyes which piece even the bravest of fighters..
Legs and arms the power never known before..
His face seamed with an immense scar..
Mythical and magical he stands erect..
The unwise and fearful scurry at the sight of him..
No opponent is worthy of his wrath..
With a soul covered with Armour he loves painfully..
Starring patiently over the calm sea..
Watching, waiting in anguish for his queen to surface..
Yes, he is my warrior..

Nobody Said It Was Easy..

I tell you i love you
You run for the hills
I tell you you are mine
You frown in disbelief
I hold you close wishing you would do the same
You hold me lightly and feebly
Questioning my every action
Oh my darling why do you doubt me so?
Why has this fear gripped your heart?
Ours could be the love spoken of in poem,
Sang about in songs, 
Written about in novels,
Danced about by ballerinas,
Our souls,bodies and hearts could be eternally intertwined
If only you can push through the pain..


This is a poem i wrote for a special some one in my life because he was having a hard time focusing, i’m hoping this will be inspiring to everyone else as well.. 🙂

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure

It might be scary now to think about the future and a career

But that’s alright, because if you didn’t become scared then you wouldn’t be human

Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that

That’s why i know you will succeed in life, because both your heart and head are far from empty

If anything is worth trying at all, it’s worth trying at least 10 times

To aim is not enough; you must act upon your goals for them to render any fruitful competence

Great things are not done by impulse, rather by planning and consistent man power

So for you to have greatness, you need to start planning and working hard on a daily basis

Don’t waste life in doubts and fears, spend all that energy on striving for achievement and excellence

Because I still believe in you, and i need you to please start believing in yourself as well!!